March 6, 2017 - Fiscal Policy

11:06 PM

Fiscal Policy

To stabilize the economy, the Government has 2 tools:

Fiscal Policy - Actions by congress to stabilize the economy
Tool 1 - Taxes; Gov can increase or decrease taxes
Tool 2 - Spending:gov can increase or decrease spending
- Fiscal policy is enacted to promote our nations economic goals; full employment, price stability and economic growth

Deficits, surpluses and Debt
- Balanced budget: Revenues =  Expenditures
- Budget deficit: Revenues less than expenditures
- Budget surplus: Revenues greater than expenditures
- Gov Debt: Sum of all deficits - Sum of all surpluses
- Gov can borrow money from: individuals, corporations, financial institutions and foreign entities

Fiscal Policy - 2 Options
- Discretionary fiscal policy - action
- Expansionary fiscal policy - think deficit
- Contractionary fiscal policy - think surplus
- Non-Discretionary fiscal policy - no action

Three types of taxes
1- Progressive Taxes - Takes a large percent of income from high (rich) income groups
2- Proportional Taxes - Takes same percentage of income from all income groups
3- Regressive Taxes - Take larger percentage from low income groups

Contractionary Fiscal Policy (The Brake) - Laws that reduce inflation and decrease GDP
- Lowers gov spending
- Tax increases
- Combinations of the two

Expansionary Fiscal Policy (The Gas) - Laws that reduce unemployment and increase GDP
- Increase gov spending
- Decrease taxes on consumers

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