
January 4, 2017 Notes - Factors of Production

7:48 PM

Factors of Production

Factors of Production - Land, Labor, Capital and Entrepreneurship
  • Land - Includes any natural resources used to produce goods and services.
  • Labor - The effort that people contribute to the production of goods and services.
  • Capital - The machinery, tools, and buildings that people use to contribute to the production of goods and services.
A - Human Capital: When people acquire skills and knowledge through experience and education.
B - Physical: Consists of money, tools, buildings, equipment and machinery
  • Entrepreneurship - A person who combines the other factors of production (Land, Labor, Capital) to earn a profit. Most are innovators and risk takers.

Trade offs - An alternative we sacrifice when we make a decision.
Opportunity Costs - When the most desirable alternative is lost as a result of a decision.
Guns or Butter - Trade-offs the government makes when choosing whether to produce more or less military/consumer goods.
Thinking at the Margins - Deciding whether to add or subtract one additional unit of some resource.
Production Possibilities Graph - Graph that shows alternative ways to use an economy’s resource.
Efficiency - An economic state in which every resource is optimally allocated to serve each individual or entity in the best way while minimizing waste and inefficiency.
Inefficiency - The opposite of economy efficiency
Under utilization - Leads to decreased profits.

4 Key Assumptions

  1. Only 2 goods can be produced
  2. Full employment of resources
  3. Fixed resources (factors of production)
  4. Fixed technology

Image result for factors of productionImage result for factors of production

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