March 20, 2017 - Money

8:43 PM


Why do we use it? What would happen if we didn't use money?
The Barter System - Goods and services are traded directly; no money involved

What is Money?
  • Anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services
  • Money is not the same as wealth or income
Wealth - Total collection of assets that store value
Income - A flow of earnings per unit of time

Money can be used as:
  1. Medium of Exchange - Buy goods and services
  2. Unit of Account - Measuring the value of goods and services
  3. Store of Value - Savings and “storing” things of value

3 Types of Money:
Representative Money - Represents something of value; IOU’s
Commodity Money - Something that performs the function of money and has alternative uses; salt, gold and silver
Fiat Money - Money because the gov says so

Characteristics of Money:
  1. Durability
  2. Portability
  3. Visibility of Value
  4. Uniformity
  5. Limited Supply
  6. Acceptability

3 Types of Money Supply  (Again):
Liquidity - Ease with which an asset can be accessed and converted into cash

  1. M1 (High Liquidity) - Coins, currency and checkable deposits; demand deposits
  2. M2 (Medium Liquidity) - M1 plus savings deposits, time deposits and mutual funds below $100k
  3. M3 (Low Liquidity) - M2 plus time deposits above $100k

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